Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Stupid people:

For some serious fun, let’s survey some categories of stupid people in America:

  • Bernie Sanders star-struck supporters. These are people who
    support socialism — a destroyer of nations — because they are ignorant
    of how free enterprise creates vibrant economies and jobs. Sanders
    believes the private sector role is to transfer revenue to the public
    coffers. But why would you embrace the judgment of a man who
    accomplished nothing worthwhile in life and who couldn’t keep a good job
    until he reached his 40s? And who extolled the virtues of Ortega’s
    communist regime in Nicaragua, while Ortega killed or tortured 15,000
    people and practiced legalized theft?
  • Minimum wagers. Among the prominent members of the
    Unintended Consequences Club sit the minimum wage backers. The people
    who push for minimum wages are too stupid to understand how it hurts
    more than it helps. It causes minority unemployment, “underground jobs”
    where people are hired off the books and no taxes are paid, people
    permanently priced out of jobs, stores closing. The real minimum wage is
    always zero, regardless of laws.
  • “Black Lives Matter”. Radical blacks are driving cops away
    from protecting innocent blacks and businesses in America’s largest
    cities. The people being killed in inner city areas are young men of
    color — and it’s not the police doing the killing. Black Lives Matter is
    fanning the flames, hastening the plunge. Only crooks, racists and
    political opportunists say BLM is credible.
  • Tax-the-rich socialists. These people are killing the great
    job-creating mechanisms that fueled America’s greatness and quality of
    life, a beacon in the world. If government is going to penalize the risk
    takers and investors by taxing away the fruits of successful
    capitalism, too few will expose their own capital to the risk of
    building innovative companies that employ large numbers of people.
  • “It Takes A Village” Multi-culturalists. These people have
    barged their way into the ranks of the stupid in recent years by
    insisting that cultural diversity has no dark side and by denying the
    truths of human nature and its tribal ways. Powerful tribal coteries can
    rip a country apart, trampling on minority groups’ rights and sometimes
    slaughtering religious or political opponents. Stupid multiculturalists
    are prattling on that there is no danger allowing 10,000 Syrian
    refugees into this country, relying on Obama’s ineffective vetting
    system. Every single day, Islamists attack somewhere.
  • Spoiled brat college students. Too many college students
    enter stupidhood by taking college majors that offer little chance of
    good jobs that produce livable wages. Their participation-trophy
    childhoods push them toward wanting to be shielded from competition and
    “micro-aggressions”. These naïve, pampered college students think it’s
    more fun to play the victim and stage protests, than the hard work of
    solving problems. Well, you’re not a victim, you’re a psychological
    problem who wants to be handed a free education. Get over it.

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