Thursday, November 24, 2011


You make a lot more sense then the person who wrote the article.......The woes we have in this economy, was not caused "entirely, or even mostly" by the investment bankers.....everyone must take some blame----The banks, loaning money to people they knew could not pay it back, for houses, that were "way" over prised....(who cares how much something costs, as long as you know you'll never have to pay for it) That is what took down the housing market.......Congress, who passed laws forcing banks to loan money to people that they, knew would never pay it back, (why should they care, is all they're doing is buying votes, and until the 2010 election, that had never came back to bit them.....And last (probably not last,there are a # of other things, that contributed).....All the government agencies, that are funneling our tax dollars to every special interest group and union, in the world....(like all things GREEN).....All together a perfect storm, taking down the economy of the world....All I'm saying, is don't pick one, part of the problem and say "they did it" when anyone with 1/2 a brain, knows better.....

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