Friday, March 2, 2012

FROM Andrew Ian Dodge:

Then Again... Perhaps We Should Apologize.

Perhaps we DO owe Mr. Karzai an apology. According to a number of sources, including a report filed by the BBC, defacing the Koran "is regarded as blasphemy and PUNISHABLE BY DEATH in both Pakistan and Afghanistan." [Emphasis Ours]

So Mr. Karzai, we're sorry for NOT immediately executing those terrorists, hoodlums and thugs for defacing those Koran's, in accordance with your own laws and traditions. And while we're issuing apologies, Mr. Karzai, we're sorry for providing those Korans, at U.S. taxpayer's expense, to your homegrown terrorists in the first place. We're sorry, Mr. Karzai, for attempting to dispose of those Koran's PROPERLY. (Oh yes, we checked it out on a number of Islamic forums and the consensus is that defaced Korans must be either burned or submerged in water until the words dissolve from the printed pages.) We deeply regret Mr. Karzai that we, at least tried, to respect your holy books by burning them.

We're sorry, Mr. Karzai, that your country's penchant for harboring terrorists and thugs made it necessary for our brave men and women in uniform to fight and DIE in your backwater country. We're sorry for releasing your people from the tyranny of the Taliban; and we're sorry, Mr. Karzai, for all the foreign aid we've given to your country over the years. We're sorry that, in spite of the aid we have provided to you, you force your people to live in abject poverty and imprison those who commit blasphemy by leaving the Islamic faith. And most of all Mr. Karzai, we're sorry that our elected leaders lack the guts to tell you to take your phony outrage and demands and stick them where the sun does not shine.

And now that we've issued our "apology," we DEMAND that you to see to it that those murderous thugs who killed innocent Americans in the name of feigned moral outrage are hunted down like the dogs that they are and properly punished by your hand; and YOU WILL pay reparations to the families of the brutally slain as well!

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